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Reflecting on Essay 1


When I first started this essay, I didn’t realize how personal it would become to me, after all I was writing about food, how personal could it be!  But I quickly realized that it really had nothing to do with the specific food, but about how it brought us together as a family.  So, when […]

Peer Review of Jaslyn’s Memoir “Taste Buds”


Reading your essay, I get the sense that you are describing how you grew up in a Spanish household, but as you grew older you experienced different foods, cultures, etc.  For example, in your first paragraph, you talk about pork cooking maybe you could be more vivid about the smells, the sounds of your mom […]

A Memoir – HOT PORTUGUESE BREAD AND BOWL OF TEA…..(yes you read that correctly!) – Final


Hot Portuguese bread and a cup of tea make for a delightful combination, but in my household, we never just had a cup of tea, it was always served in some type of colorful soup bowl, my favorite bowl was the one that had the scalloped edge, it reminded me of a flower and the […]

Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System


The essay “Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System” is about how the indigenous people viewed corn and how the Western world views it.  The indigenous people view it as sacred as we can see from the many names it is called by the indigenous people in the following paragraph: This remarkable plant has been […]

Ideas for Essay 1 – Memoir


I will base my essay around a food that always brought our family together. How it was a simple inexpensive meal but yet brought us together at any hour of the day.

Scene vs. Summary


In writing, there are two primary methods for conveying a story or a series of events: scene and summary. Both techniques have their own advantages and are used in different situations to effectively engage readers and convey information. Scene: A scene is a vivid and detailed portrayal of a specific event or moment in a […]

Should I Eat Bugs


Because I don’t like bugs and they do give me the “Icky Feeling” I thought this would be a good topic for me to explore. As the video “Should I eat Bugs” brought out: “Eating bugs, also known as entomophagy, has been practiced by various cultures throughout history and is still common in many parts […]

Learning to be a Writer!


Growing up in a strict Portuguese home, where girls didn’t go outside and play, I loved reading books, in middle school I couldn’t wait for the book fair, my mom would give me a $10.00 bill (which back then was more like $50.00) and I would have my checklist of what books I wanted. My […]

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